Building Team Resilience at Work

Building Team Resilience at Work

Delivery Method
Face to Face

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While we cannot necessarily change or remove the external factors causing these negative impacts on ourselves and the team, we can improve how we react to situations, how we deal with them and how they affect us.

This course focuses on developing greater awareness and skills to support ourselves and others, cope with stress and build resilience.

Learning Outcomes

  • Determine what causes and triggers stress, how it affects us and how we can help ourselves to improve our own and our team’s resilience.
  • Define the CALMER framework (Consider, Acknowledge, Listen, Manage, Enable and Resource) and how to use it to support others and yourself.
  • Develop skills for coping with difficult situations, challenging behaviours, your own and others’ reactions and sometimes the powerful emotions these can evoke.
  • Describe what a resilient person and team are and how to use CALMER to build resilience.